
Naijaonpoint Media For Latest News | Entertainment | Download Nigeria is Naija News & Music site which provides you with Naija Songs & Videos of your favorite Artists. We gives you a chance to download melodies helpfully and effectively. On portable, you can download in only two ticks while on web. We also publish latest nigerian music dj mix, top ten naija music this week and 10 latest naija songs 2020, mp3 download.

So if you are searching for a platform to stream, download naija music or videos in Nigeria? We’re for you. Here’s the reason:

Finding a Naija music  platform that appropriately takes into account certain music tastes can be to a great degree troublesome. Finding a platform that serves as a hotspot for trusted downloads is significantly all the more difficult. For some Nigerian Artists, the odds of reaching a bigger crowd are slim to none. We’re hoping to satisfy these necessities by providing music, videos to view and songs to download from popular and upcoming music stars to those who visit our site.

NaijaOnPoint is one of the leading Nigerian Music platforms that has spearheaded the popularity of song online in Nigeria. Our platform is exceptionally easy to use and has simple to-discover links at the top of our page. These links incorporate classifications of music, videos, songs, richest musician in nigeria, mixtapes, nigerian gospel songs, artiste profiles, naija news etc.

NaijaOnPoint is a platform that was born from an idea of delivering entertainment news to the global world. News is certainly something that we all try to access and stay updated with, and with that, we offer quick and reliable details. We offers an easy and flexible way to keep tab of all the latest happenings in entertainment, and we strive to do this by employing the brightest minds who handle and presents quality contents and attractive articles for our users. We are a very friendly platform that offers opportunity for users to visit and get updated first. Our Mission is to deliver details on Nigerian entertainment and the news that follows. Always visit us to stay updated..


Kelechi Ofor

Am cool and calm to be with, I believe in Myself. Artist Manager, Digital Distributor and Services

    Kelechi Ofor has 10062 posts and counting. See all posts by Kelechi Ofor

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